Currently one of the main journals in the field of technology and innovation management, Technological Forecasting and Social Change (impact factor 2022: 12.0) has prepared a Special Issue for selected papers presented at the IAMOT 2024 conference.
The topic of this Special Issue is the theme of the 33rd Annual Conference of the International Association for the Management of Technology (IAMOT), which takes place in July 6-11, 2024, in Porto, Portugal. The Special Issue Guest Editors will run a track on this topic. Accepted and presented papers for the conference will be eligible for publication in the Special Issue provided that these papers have been prepared and written for the TFSC readership.
Initial selection and review of submitted papers will be performed by the Conference Scientific Committee. Papers that do not meet the standards of quality and rigor will not be accepted for presentation at the Conference. After the first review, selected papers will be reviewed by the IAMOT Best paper Award Committee and decisions will be taken by the Guest Editor of the TFSC Special Issue. Papers should aim to fit the journal’s scope and research focus.
For more information, please visit TFSC webpage dedicated to call for papers: