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IAMOT is a non-governmental, non-profit organization incorporated in 1992 in the State of Florida, USA. Its purpose is to encourage high-quality research and education in the field of management of technology (MOT). It accomplishes this purpose through various activities, including sponsoring international conferences, publishing newsletters/periodicals, conference proceedings and a book series. We played a pivotal role in being the official association and supporting the growth of Technovation. Today, we endorse and support a number of other internationally recognized MOT journals. IAMOT acts as an information exchange hub on teaching and research issues in MOT. The association has approximately 670 active members from 79 countries. IAMOT is chartered as a non-profit professional association in the USA and is governed through established bylaws. IAMOT membership meets at least once a year during the International Management of Technology conference. IAMOT has a board of directors and an executive committee, both elected bi-annually.

 IAMOT is the largest professional organization solely devoted to the education, research and application of Technology Management. The aim is to integrate technology and business to create wealth, enhance competitiveness, increase work opportunities and improve the sustainability and quality of life. The yearly International Conference held under the auspices of the Association is one of the largest international gatherings of the World’s leading experts in this emerging field.

The International Association for Management of Technology (IAMOT)

A non-profit organization incorporated in the State of Florida, United States of America Full bylaws available here:

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